
You have come to the right place! Your instructor, Jason Burton, was the first (and the best ;) ) e-Foil instructor on Lake Lanier back in 2020.  Jason has over 100 lesson's under his belt paired with exceptional reviews by past clients.  Jason brings over 25 years of teaching science and outdoor education towards planning your e-foil lesson.  You will have a well organized "field tested" gentle progression that will end with you flying above the water!  Every student leaves with a their "wings"!

When you drop into that perfect turn, hovering above water on the foil, completely one with the board, experiencing flight… you’ll remember that moment for the rest of your life.

A feelinging that cannot be describe but only experienced!

*90 minutes is an approximation based on safety instruction, e-foiling instruction, travel and battery life. Battery life can vary based on starting, stopping of the student and the efficiency of surfing on the hydrofoil.


Available to meet at Old Federal Boat Launch in Flower Branch, GA or Mary Alice Park Cumming GA.

We can also do house calls off your dock. 


Mary Alice Park

Additional Information

Google Reviews:  https://maps.app.goo.gl/epYxXVWgsh591xuu7